An Artwork by Elena Landinez representing utopia and freedom. Conceived during her Art Residency aboard Mintaka in Oct. 2020 and silk-printed on recycling paper at Ateliê de Oficinas in Salvador/BA.
Elena envisions a world without borders. During her stay aboard Mintaka, she filled the pages of her huge notebook, telling stories of life at sea and the quest for ultimate freedom. These two elements form the basis of this artwork - Vida sem Muros (Life without Walls) - which invites the viewer to explore new horizons and to dream the impossible.
Screen Print "Vida Sem Muros"
Artwork: Designed by Elena Landinez
Limited Edition: 50 handcrafted Posters
Format: A2 (420 x 594 mm)
Print: Serigraphy @ Atelie de Oficios, Santo Antônio, Salvador/BA
Paper: Sundance 216g, 100% recycled
Paint: Genesis
Date: Dec. 2020